Head of Department
Dear Students;

The main advantages of Bartın University, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems are as follows;
- Computer Technology and Information Systems Department continues its teaching and research activities with a strong academic staff in the form of 3 associate professors, 2 assistant professors, and 2 research assistants. In this way, you will have the opportunity to receive education from a strong, young and dynamic academic staff.
- Our students can have optional English Preparatory education. This will provide significant benefits to our graduate students when they start their business life and / or want to study postgraduate.
- Students of the Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems have the opportunity to do a minor in the Computer Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering and a double major with the Department of Mathematics in the Faculty of Science while continuing their undergraduate education.
- Our students; By using the Erasmus exchange program, they will be able to complete some of their studies in the equivalent departments of universities abroad.
- Our department has a strong laboratory, hardware and software infrastructure and facilities.
- The studies for activating the graduate program of our department as of 2019-2020 academic year are ongoing. Thus, our graduate students will be able to continue their postgraduate education and continue to improve their knowledge and experience if they wish and if they meet the conditions.
- In our department; Current lessons required by the business world such as computer programming, web programming, mobile application development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining, digital game design, graphic and animation design, virtual and augmented reality applications development, robotics applications, video design, project management Given, the competencies of our students are tried to be increased and they are prepared for their professional lives.
- Our graduates from the Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems; Has the opportunity to work in areas such as web design / programming, database design / management, system architecture, system analysis / design, computer programming, system control, usability analyst, project team management, computer networking institution / management, research assistant in related departments of universities. In addition, our graduates can have the opportunity to become an information technology teacher by taking formation.
If you want to get more detailed information about our department, please contact me: ryilmaz@bartin.edu.tr
Thank you for visiting our website. We want to see you among us.
Prof. Dr. Ramazan YILMAZ
Department of Computer Technology and Information Systems
Head of Department